To: <Community Advisory Council (CAC)>
Date: January 4, 2019 at 2:33 PM
Subject: WIN meeting and Camp Second Chance (CSC)
Hello CAC friends- The Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) has invited Lisa Gustaveson and Jason Johnson to our next meeting on Jan 21st.
We are going to pack the house with friends and supporters of Camp Second Chance- you will want to be there!
It would be really powerful to have Top Hat and SHAG neighbors speak on behalf of the camp, to allow them to stay in place.
Is this something you would do? Maybe 5 mins to share your thoughts, and those of your neighbors?
And of course, invite and bring your neighbors!
Let's show the city how much we believe in Camp Second Chance.
Who: Camp Second Chance Neighbors
What: Meeting to show support for Camp Second Chance (CSC)
When: Jan 21, 2019 at 6:30pm-8pm
Where: Fauntleroy United Church of Christ
9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98136
Why: City needs to keep CSC open for another year
How: Lobby Seattle City Council
Join Us for the Next HPAC Mtg Weds. 1/23/2019
Posted on January 5, 2019
Where: All HPAC meetings are held at the Highland Park Improvement Club, 1116 SW Holden, Seattle, WA 98106 on the 4th Wednesday of the month (from Jan – June & Sept – October)
Agenda as follows:
7:00p Welcome from HPAC Acting Chair Gunner Scott
7:05p Community Announcements
7:10p HPAC Executive Committee Updates
Elections Coming in Feb.
7:15p Camp Second Chance Request for Re-Authorization / Permit Extension Conversation
This will be a facilitated structured conversation to understand the wishes of neighbors, stakeholders, community groups, and businesses in order to inform HPAC’s response to the permit extension.
7:15p – Conversation Guidelines Presented
7:20 – 7:40p: There will be 3-4 community groups representatives presenting 5 min statements for and against the permit extension.
7:40 – 8:15p – Neighbor Attendees will be given 1-2 minutes each to present comments for consideration.
8:15p – Closing and next steps.
HPAC has been requested to support the permit extension by two community groups. We have also received emails about issues with encampments and RVs in the neighborhood not being addressed.
“Camp Second Chance is one of six encampments authorized and funded by the City of Seattle’s Human Services Department as part of the City’s emergency response to homelessness.” Founded on April, 9th 2016 – officially permitted on March 2017 by the City of Seattle. The Human Services Department extended the permit on June 7, 2018 for the Myers Way/Camp Second Chance to remain at 9701 Myers Way South for an additional 12 months, until March 2019. There is a request for a continued permit.
After the meeting a survey will be sent out via our e-list (get your neighbors to sign up!) to also assess the neighborhood’s desire on how HPAC should proceed.
8:30p Adjourn Meeting