Slots for both events are still available as of Sep 30th.
More details here.
Is West Seattle prepared? (for the Big One)
Join us for either of two identical preparedness sessions!
Sunday, October 7, 2018 @ 2 – 5 pm,
High Point Community Center
6920 34th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
Saturday, November 3, 2018 @ 9 – noon,
Hiawatha Community Center
2700 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Learn about and discuss what we should do in West Seattle.
- Hosted by Glenn Farley, Natural Disasters Reporter, KING-5 News.
- Opening keynote sessions by Dave Nichols, Certified Emergency Manager and West Seattle resident speaking on community preparedness, and a presentation about Northwest earthquake science from Harold Tobin, Director, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (October session) / Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times Science Reporter (November session).
- Hear about response plans from Seattle Police, Fire, Emergency Management and King County Public Health.
- Learn how you can be better prepared personally.
- Learn what steps you can take to mitigate your potential damage.
- Learn skills to help you quickly respond to a disaster with demonstrations on water purification, sanitation in disasters,
- Meet your neighbors so that we work effectively together for recovery.
Free and open to everyone! We especially encourage families with children, tenants, seniors and those new to West Seattle to join us!
Register today to reserve a seat, and to reserve interpretation services for Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese & ASL.
(This does require you to sign up for a user account. You can unsubscribe. See Terms of Service.)
Hosted by the West Seattle Hubs and West Seattle Be Prepared
This project is funded by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the City of Seattle, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Provided by Cindi Barker 9/14/2018
Bill L is planning to have Seattle Emergency Management come to Arrowhead Gardens. Watch for a date.