Subject: Organizing a Block Watch for Arrowhead Gardens Residents
SW Police Precinct:
- Officer Todd Wiebke, CPT
- Jennifer Burbridge, Crime Prevention Coordinator
AGRC execs
- Laura R. (C bldg)
- Elaine Q. (D bldg)
- Nancy H. (A bldg)
- Jackie T. (Treasurer)
AG Residents
- Joan G.
- Janice S. (has extensive experience, will help with organizing)
- Richard (safety committee, representing Cheryl B.)
- John Walling (website administrator)
Jennifer outlined the essence of a block watch:
- Communication between neighbors with Block Captains.
- Communication with police (Jennifer and 9-1-1)
Officer Wiebke gave an update on his CPT efforts.
- RVs have been removed.
- His goal is to get another barrier fence on the East side of Myers Way.
- Outsiders use AG property as a short cut.
- Joan: Shag is reluctant to put up signs that aren't welcoming.
- Jennifer will research property lines which could help with putting Crime Watch signs on city property.
Metro Police jurisdiction over P&R
- Laura: We are supposed to contact Metro police for issues concerning the Park & Ride area.
- Elaine: Bus shelters are used by people not riding the bus.
- Some residents feel intimidated taking early buses (6-7am)
- Ofc Wiebke offered to come by if there are recurring problems at the bus shelters.
Public Health Issues
- Elaine: Hepatitis is a concern and could get out of control in rainy season.
- Ofc Wiebke: Water drainage checks out OK so far.
- John: Is the Public Health Department on the case? Not known.
- Jennifer: recommended a Block Captain for each building and that we get communication procedures setup.
- Jennifer: recommended annual/semi-annual Night Out party/events to keep people connected and informed.
- There was discussion about the use of fliers and signs to inform people. Shag puts limits on what can be done.
- Laura will set up a meeting to get organized and she asked Janice to provide guidance.
- Jennifer provided sample fliers and lists of instructions. John took one set and Elaine took the rest.
- Janice recommended that some of us attend the next block watch meeting at SW Police Precinct on Oct 24th. See details below
was cross posted to West Seattle Blog July 12, 2017
If you feel comfortable doing so, please respond to this email with the following information:
-First name of Block Watch Captain (please no Last Names for privacy purposes)
-Email address of Block Watch Captain
-Block or area your Block Watch covers (For example: 2300 Block of Webster- from Delridge to 24th Ave SW)
-Approximate number of homes/residences in your Block Watch
West Seattle Block Watch Captains' Network
Meets 4th Tuesdays at 6:30-8 PM
Last meeting in 2017 is October 24th
SW Police Precinct
2300 SW Webster Street, Seattle WA 98106
Map (at Delridge Ave SW, next to Home Depot)
Guest speaker:
Seattle City Councilmember, Lisa Herbold
6:00-6:30 Arrive early for light snacks;
socialize while we set up!
6:30-7:00 Introductions, announcements.
Update from SW Precinct.
7:00-8:00 District 1, Councilmember Lisa Herbold
– Crime and safety discussion.
8:00-8:30 Feel free to stay after the meeting
to continue your discussions.
Everyone is welcome, even if you aren’t a Block Watch Captain!
RSVP is appreciated, but not necessary to attend.
You can contact us at [email protected].
Councilmember Lisa Herbold talks with West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network
City Council‘s second day of the second round of budget-change reviews will start with a variety of proposals related to homelessness and other human-services issues.
You can see the list on the agenda – each item has a link to the “green sheet” briefly discussing what’s being proposed. The council’s just discussing at this point, not voting, so you have time to let them know what you think.
Seattle Police Dept budget proposal