Thirty residents attended the meeting.
Ruben Rivera-Jackman, Director, Resident Services
"Learn about the five types of bullies, understand the psycho-social impacts of bullying behaviors and pinpoint coping skills."
Audio Recording of Event:
Conditions: Warmup and wrapup recording sessions were removed. When audience members spoke without using a microphone and they were inaudible, those sections were removed to make the recording shorter for the listener. The wireless speakers picked up occasional buzzing sounds from the handheld microphone. Buzzing sounds were edited out when they didn't overlap voices. Otherwise, sound quality is good.
Tools and techniques: The recording was made by connecting one of two wireless PA speaker auxilary output to a Zoom H6 recorder input. The audio WAV file was edited with Audacity software on a laptop running Ubuntu 16.04 and converted to MP3 22khz before uploading to Weebly host.
Use 'hamburger' menu in upper-left corner to navigate playlist.
Conditions: Warmup and wrapup recording sessions were removed. The recording in between is intact. Audio was boosted by the PA speakers, but some reverb resulted. Resolution is low-end (320x240) and is distracting in full screen mode. An LED camera light helped in closeups but a bright back-light caused subject to be under exposed. Fan noise was recorded from projector.
Tools and techniques: The video was recorded on a ZTE ZMAX 2 (Z958) smartphone running under Android 5.1 with Open Camera software. Camera was assisted with an external microphone and LED light. The video was edited with OpenShot and FFmpeg software running under Ubuntu 16.04. on a laptop computer. Low resolution (320x240) was used to accommodate long recording time and keep file size manageable.
Direct link: YouTube Playlist
​Lessons Learned: Try backlight scene mode to improve visibility under backlight condition. Not supported on all cameras.
Use widget controls at bottom right corner to download or expand.
- AARP: Older Adults Can Be Bullies, Too
- NBC News: Mean old girls: Seniors who bully (search leads to dead link)​
- Coping with Older Adult Bullying in Senior Living Communities

How to Recognize and
Address an Unseen Epidemic
by Robin P. Bonifas (Author)
Kindle and Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-1938870095
ISBN-10: 1938870093