Note: Following is Ruth Dean’s campaign speech. Please select “Read More” for the balance of the speech presented at the recent General Meeting. It is followed by an expanded Position Statement.
My name is Ruth Dean and I am running for President of AGRC. Many of you know me from the bi-weekly Food Bank where I have volunteered for 4 years as the check-in person. I also am responsible for AGRC support to the Food Bank. This includes locating and managing volunteer support and arranging for in-home delivery to residents who are unable to come in person. Currently, I am the vice-president of AGRC and the team leader for the six building representatives.
In addition, I lead the Social Hour Squad as we present the monthly Social to recognize the people with birthdays during the month with cake and ice cream from our campus managers, Dave and Pam. This event also provides a way for new residents to meet their neighbors.
AGRC is a social organization whose mission is to provide a welcoming environment and opportunities for friendship, recreation, wellness, and education, thus empowering residents to continue an active and independent lifestyle within the Community. If elected, my administration will return the focus of the organization on the social elements of Arrowhead Gardens life, while continuing its outstanding wellness and educational activities.
I recognize that some residents have concerns about landlord/tenant issues and I respect their desire to have these resolved. The current president has formed a second resident-based organization, STT--SHAG Tenants Together--that specifically addresses these important issues. That organization encompasses all the SHAG facilities and the current AGRC president serves as the president of that organization. If elected, I would ensure that all landlord/tenant issues are directed to STT for resolution.
My name is Ruth Dean and I am running for President of AGRC. Many of you know me from the bi-weekly Food Bank where I have volunteered for 4 years as the check-in person. I also am responsible for AGRC support to the Food Bank. This includes locating and managing volunteer support and arranging for in-home delivery to residents who are unable to come in person. Currently, I am the vice-president of AGRC and the team leader for the six building representatives.
In addition, I lead the Social Hour Squad as we present the monthly Social to recognize the people with birthdays during the month with cake and ice cream from our campus managers, Dave and Pam. This event also provides a way for new residents to meet their neighbors.
AGRC is a social organization whose mission is to provide a welcoming environment and opportunities for friendship, recreation, wellness, and education, thus empowering residents to continue an active and independent lifestyle within the Community. If elected, my administration will return the focus of the organization on the social elements of Arrowhead Gardens life, while continuing its outstanding wellness and educational activities.
I recognize that some residents have concerns about landlord/tenant issues and I respect their desire to have these resolved. The current president has formed a second resident-based organization, STT--SHAG Tenants Together--that specifically addresses these important issues. That organization encompasses all the SHAG facilities and the current AGRC president serves as the president of that organization. If elected, I would ensure that all landlord/tenant issues are directed to STT for resolution.
It’s time we made AGRC, once again, the fun-focused organization it once was. The management of SHAG is prepared to fund our holiday and other events, so no AGRC money would be required and very few fund-raising activities would be needed. As a member of the successful Cookhouse Crew, I’ve been a part of a group of volunteers who successfully have hosted entertaining events with support from our local SHAG managers.
Please vote for me on November 18th so we can expand this history of success to a year-long fun-filled schedule, coupled with the current activities that promote and support our independent lifestyle.
Ruth Dean: Formal Position Statement as a Candidate for President.
I am running for AGRC President to give you a choice of leadership style. Many of you know me from the check-in table at the Food Bank. I also am responsible for our support to the Food Bank. This includes locating and managing volunteer support and arranging for in-home delivery to residents who are unable to come in person.
I have lived at Arrowhead Gardens since 2011 and enjoy the “Independent” lifestyle here that allows me to live my life on my own terms.
Unlike my opponent, I do not believe that ”independent” living means that AGRC must be “independent” of SHAG as much as possible. Rather, my relationship with Dave and Pam and the rest of the SHAG management team is warm and cordial. We work together on activities and projects in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
I had the joy of raising five boys. Wow--sports, school affairs, Scouting—all teach you how to be an effective leader of lots of activities! Likewise, Arrowhead Gardens is a family, a village, a community, where everyone should have a voice and a chance to participate. Or, just enjoy the AGRC activities—at whatever level of their “independence” they choose.
If elected, my General meetings will be fun and informative. I believe that the Executive Board (your elected officers) is the place for problem solving and resolution of resident concerns relative to AGRC.
As the By-Laws so clearly state, the Executive Council (not the President) is responsible for managing AGRC affairs, conducting its business, planning all meeting agendas, and providing consultation and information to its members. And I consider it important that residents be encouraged and given the opportunity to participate in the planning and management of the monthly activities.
Selecting and managing activities is not the role of the President. If elected, I will reposition the President’s role to align it with the By-Laws which states that the role of the President is to preside over AGRC meetings, act as a liaison to management, and report each month to the members. I will initiate, promote, and support greater participation by residents in planning and managing all activities.
My biggest concern is the issue of landlord/tenant advocacy. I do not believe that the By-Laws contain any provision for this role on the part of AGRC or its officers. These issues are between the individual residents and SHAG. However, the current President has formally incorporated a sister organization STT (SHAG Tenants Together) whose purpose is landlord/tenant issues. I am in complete agreement that these issues are important ones and will continue to be even more important in the coming year.
I am, however, concerned about the appropriateness and effectiveness of the same individual serving in the role of President of both organizations and the blending of landlord/tenant issues with those of AGRC--whose role is promoting the social life and well-being of Arrowhead Gardens residents.
Activities this past year have provided residents with access to a lot of really valuable information. However, I do have concerns about the bypassing of the Board in the administration of some of these activities. For example, I consider it was inappropriate to charge the non-profit University of Washington Alzheimer's Research Program and the State of Washington Hearing Loss Agency the $75 fee to staff a table at the recent Wellness Fair. If elected, I will ensure that the Executive Board is involved more with the planning and administration of all AGRC-sponsored activities. Unfortunately, this has not been the case this past year.
Another area of grave concern is the lack of transparency and formal records of our financial activities and what I consider to be unneeded fund-raising activities. I recommend the election of Jackie Terrell as Treasurer. She has a proven record of oversight of funds and an established commitment to AGRC as one of its founders. Her election will ensure that our funds are properly managed, documented, and reported each month.
Finally, I have spoken directly with Scott Gyssland of SHAG Corporate (Dave’s manager). He has assured me that--contrary to what my opponent has said during two recent resident meetings--SHAG is willing to fund Arrowhead Garden holiday celebrations throughout the year.
This generosity will allow us to use our more-than-adequate funds for purposes that benefit all residents, and will eliminate all fund-raising activities, except perhaps the very popular semi-annual Dessert Auction (October and February). These two events will adequately fund our administrative expenses.
I want to assure everyone that there will be no need to charge residents to attend any AGRC-sponsored events.
Please consider how I propose to administer AGRC activities if elected. The focus will be on promoting a cordial, peaceful, and fun environment in which everyone who wants to participate will be welcome.
Received 11-08-2016