Now that you’ve considered writing your story, where do you get the material needed for your story? What resources do you have or want to help you develop those stories? Do you have any questions or concerns about what else you might need?
First let’s think of what you already have and then we can discuss what you may need or the research possible to enhance what you have.
Consult your memory first and then the ideas that will add cohesion to your stories. Items such as journals, letters, photographs, poems, recipes, maps, documents etc. that relate to your experiences.
1. Begin with a single photo, letter or family tale and use that to stir up memories.
2. List people and objects. Take your time. Allow the memories to wash over you.
3. Jot down things that occur to you.
4. Make list of jobs, moves to new homes, activities, special occasions etc.
5. Maps- Where were the travels?
6. Make a genealogy chart that shows- Who your parents were and what links you to other people in your story.
Consider doing at least a couple of generations
First let’s think of what you already have and then we can discuss what you may need or the research possible to enhance what you have.
Consult your memory first and then the ideas that will add cohesion to your stories. Items such as journals, letters, photographs, poems, recipes, maps, documents etc. that relate to your experiences.
1. Begin with a single photo, letter or family tale and use that to stir up memories.
2. List people and objects. Take your time. Allow the memories to wash over you.
3. Jot down things that occur to you.
4. Make list of jobs, moves to new homes, activities, special occasions etc.
5. Maps- Where were the travels?
6. Make a genealogy chart that shows- Who your parents were and what links you to other people in your story.
Consider doing at least a couple of generations
·Do free style writings- Just write, don’t spend time at the beginning editing and over organizing. This can stop the flow of ideas
Write your stories, organizing as you go along.
Organize by creating an outline of what you have. Change as needed.
Research what could add more information or detail
Read other books on memoirs, bibliographies. Reading gives you ideas and suggestions. See what other have done and how they did it
Edit, combine and modify stories, chapters, pages etc. when you have completed several or when you have a lull in figuring out what to do.
1.Decide a place to keep your material. Have a section for each item on the outline.
2.Begin organizing these documents now. (File cabinet, notebook, computer- and where on the computer, tablet or other device)
3.Create stories- pick a topic and begin writing a few paragraphs. i.e.. What personal crises did you go through-. remember to ask yourself---- What happened/when/why/how/where.
c. Don't worry if some details are left out. They will be the basis of your research.
Write your stories, organizing as you go along.
Organize by creating an outline of what you have. Change as needed.
Research what could add more information or detail
Read other books on memoirs, bibliographies. Reading gives you ideas and suggestions. See what other have done and how they did it
Edit, combine and modify stories, chapters, pages etc. when you have completed several or when you have a lull in figuring out what to do.
1.Decide a place to keep your material. Have a section for each item on the outline.
2.Begin organizing these documents now. (File cabinet, notebook, computer- and where on the computer, tablet or other device)
3.Create stories- pick a topic and begin writing a few paragraphs. i.e.. What personal crises did you go through-. remember to ask yourself---- What happened/when/why/how/where.
c. Don't worry if some details are left out. They will be the basis of your research.
Computer Templates (Family History Guide) · Computer dictation programs Internet: Google listing for write the story of your life (10/2017) 111,000,000. Write your memoirs 1,680,000 results (10/2017) Write your memoirs in 6 months)4,450,000 Plus listing on books on publishing, and “how to.......” | Outside Resources Libraries, books- articles on writing in papers, magazines to get historical items; ;Major events in history Community centers and Senior centers for continuing education classes Geographical areas-where your life activity took place--any change in appearance? rake a picture (before and present) |